Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hooray for BEDHEAD!

It's been too long since my last post, I know. I have been so busy! Last time I posted, I had just started radiation. Now, I am almost done. I have 36 total treatments to receive and have received 29 so far. I should be done the Monday after Thanksgiving. My main side effects are fatigue and skin irritation. Actually, it's more than irritation, it's a burn. I have a mild sunburn to most of my breast and part of my underarm area and a small area that is pretty severe. It is raw and I can't wear a bra of any kind because the straps rub it. Good thing it's sweater weather so nobody can tell my going around town without a bra!

The hair is growing back! I have actually had several compliments on it. I'm just glad to have it! I was definately awkward growing back in, but now it almost looks like a hairstyle. I have actually been excited this week to wake up with BEDHEAD! Now, that's sad. I also had to pluck my eyebrows the other day and was able to curl and apply mascara to my new eyelashes. Yea!!!