Saturday, September 6, 2008

Getting Back to Normal

It's been over 3 weeks since my last chemo session (and post . . . yikes!). I am starting to feel almost normal. I am trying to get back into shape as I slacked on the exercise routine for the last 4 months. I also ate lots of not-so-good-for-you (but comforting!) foods that assisted me in gaining 15 pounds! I have set myself some goals and am trying to get back into my routine. With the kids starting school this week, I think it will be easier.

My surgery is scheduled for next Friday, the 12th. I will be having a lumpectomy so I am anticipating a fairly easy recovery. Chris's parents will be coming to help out. I am looking forward to getting that next step behind me.

Some exciting news: I was in the newspaper this week. For what? Being bald. No, not exactly, but kind of. They wanted to do a story on breast cancer survivors in their Healthy Living insert and were looking for someone to pose bald. Of course, I agreed. They featured several of my friends and loads of information on Beyond Boobs and other breast cancer support groups. Wanna see it? Here is a link to it:,0,6791946.story

The kids started school this week. Alex is in fourth grade this year. I can hardly believe it. Rebecca started second grade. She loves school and is going to be a great student. Mary is going to preschool 4 days a week this year. She loves it and is ready for it. She already knows how to write her name and most the ABCs. She is so excited to learn and be with her friends.

The next big deal is the Calendar Premiere. It will be October 15th in Williamsburg. As some of you may know, this is a big fundraiser for my support group, Beyond Boobs. Also, I will be one of the calendar girls in it! It will be a fun Pink Carpet affair and I even get to ride there in a pink Hummer stretch limo! I've never, ever been in a limo before. It should be a fun night. Wanna join us? You can buy tickets here:


Kacee said...

Laurie - You are one of the coolest people I know! And I miss you and your sense of humor!! I never knew you could leave a comment on blogs before (yes, I'm clearly living in the stone ages), but I've loved reading up on you since I got the link. I just wanted to tell you that you rock! Tell the family that the Carlsons said hello. I'm SOOOO glad they are taking such good care of you, and all of your friends there. Wish I was there to help!

Unknown said...

Heya Laurie and crew! Not sure if you'll see this before the 12th but I wanted to pass along good thoughts from the Orcutt clan hanging out TDY at Maxwell AFB, AL this summer. We've thought of you a few times whilst trekking across AL, through Auburn & B-ham area and hoped all was progressing well. We wish you the best on this hopeful last bit of medical stuff get back to your 100% fiesty/healthy self!!
SMILE! --> dennis & fam -