Monday, May 26, 2008

Bald is Freaky Lookin'!

I finished my third treatment. It was a little tougher than the last 2, but tolerable. The fatigue is supposedly cumulative. I have found that I am really tired and puny the first 5 or 6 days and then start feeling human again. It is so incredibly hard to talk myself into going back in to volunteer for the next dose of sickness. I know I need to remember that it's killing the bad stuff, but it's hard when just the sights and smells of the place make you sick. The tumors have definately shrunk so it's working! I have 5 more treatments to go. On Tuesday, I have my last dose of Adriamycin and Cytoxin which is supposed to be the harshest. Then I start another regimine for 4 more doses every 3 weeks. I should be done in the middle of August.
OK, so here is a great picture of my sister, Meredith, and me at the Williamsburg Relay for Life. We are wearing our Beyond Boobs t-shirts. Aren't they cute?! I have gone out in public a few times bald. Aside from the glare of my white head blinding innocent people, I have actually had some positive comments and smiles. I am really struggling with what to wear on my head since my wigs aren't really "me", plus they're itchy and the scarves are hot and I don't really like them. I feel most comfortable bald. I just have to get the "I don't care what people think" attitude, I guess.


Anonymous said...

yay you posted!! all of my friends saw this picture and said that you are beautiful and that we look sooo much alike!! love you! make it a dixie day!

Unknown said...

Hey! Is the rattie (Stuart rite?) doing ok? I keep thinking I should call and check on him when its way too late to acutally call....
I'm glad treatments working well:) and sorry it makes you feel sick :( However, I bet you can pull off some pretty awesome earings without the hair to hide them :)
Say hi to everyone for me!
Laura (your sister to be)

Anonymous said...

Make it a dixie day! All of my friends said that you are beautiful. I have our twin bald headed picture in a frame in my room and everyone laughs but they say we look just alike! Love you!!

DieselRV said...

Hey girl! You look gorgeous; with or without hair. I didn't see any posts from you for a while and was wondering how you were doing. Hugs to you and Chris!