Monday, May 26, 2008
Bald is Freaky Lookin'!
I finished my third treatment. It was a little tougher than the last 2, but tolerable. The fatigue is supposedly cumulative. I have found that I am really tired and puny the first 5 or 6 days and then start feeling human again. It is so incredibly hard to talk myself into going back in to volunteer for the next dose of sickness. I know I need to remember that it's killing the bad stuff, but it's hard when just the sights and smells of the place make you sick. The tumors have definately shrunk so it's working! I have 5 more treatments to go. On Tuesday, I have my last dose of Adriamycin and Cytoxin which is supposed to be the harshest. Then I start another regimine for 4 more doses every 3 weeks. I should be done in the middle of August.
OK, so here is a great picture of my sister, Meredith, and me at the Williamsburg Relay for Life. We are wearing our Beyond Boobs t-shirts. Aren't they cute?! I have gone out in public a few times bald. Aside from the glare of my white head blinding innocent people, I have actually had some positive comments and smiles. I am really struggling with what to wear on my head since my wigs aren't really "me", plus they're itchy and the scarves are hot and I don't really like them. I feel most comfortable bald. I just have to get the "I don't care what people think" attitude, I guess.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Any Day With Hair is a Good Hair Day!
It's been too long since my last posting, I know. Apparently, more people check my blog for updates than I realized. If I neglect the blog in the future, please don't worry. I'm probably just being a slacker, not being sick! For the most part, things around here are much the same as always . . . chasing kids, doing chores, helping with homework, etc, etc, etc. Please don't be afraid to call and talk to us at any time. We are doing just fine and there is no need to worry about disturbing us. If we can't get to the phone, we will try to call back as soon as we can. You can also e-mail us at
My second chemo was last Tuesday. Again, it wasn't too bad. I felt pretty good that day, just a little tired. The feeling queasy and fatigued really hits the second or third day and lasts about 5 or 6 days. Luckily, I haven't had terrible nausea or vomiting. I am developing some GI irritation that causes pain with spicy foods or carbonated beverages or even extremely hot or cold drinks. So, I just have to steer clear of those items. Dang it! No more Diet Coke or salsa! Aside from that, the WORST THING IS BEING BALD! I know it means the medication is working and it's just hair, but it's still hard to look at myself in the mirror and see such a weird looking head! My hair started falling out about a week ago. After about 3 days of it, I couldn't handle it anymore. It was annoying and demoralizing, so . . . . we shaved it! Chris took the clippers to it on the backporch (but only after I shaved his first!). The kids were quite interested at first. They really like the initial mohawk. Eventually, they wandered off and played. It was quite a shock see. And what a weird feeling! I have a collection of wigs now, some borrowed and some bought. I've only worn a wig twice. Itchy!!! Scarves are more comfortable and I wear them at home. But sometimes, I just go bald in the house. The kids haven't screamed in horror yet, so I guess they're ok with it. Sometimes it just gets too hot and itchy and I can't stand it anymore. I just have to remember not to rip off my wig while I'm driving. I'm sure if someone saw that it would cause more trouble than texting while driving :)
I still have lots of support from family and friends. The meals are rolling in every other day from our wonderful friends. My mom just left after 3 weeks of laundry and dishes and general caretaking of the Davis clan. My other mom and dad (Chris's parents) are here for a few days to fill in and get some cuddling of the grandkids done. My sister arrives Saturday for a week. I know we will have a good visit. We are playing it by ear after that.
Thanks to everyone for all of your support and concern. What a blessing you all are!
My second chemo was last Tuesday. Again, it wasn't too bad. I felt pretty good that day, just a little tired. The feeling queasy and fatigued really hits the second or third day and lasts about 5 or 6 days. Luckily, I haven't had terrible nausea or vomiting. I am developing some GI irritation that causes pain with spicy foods or carbonated beverages or even extremely hot or cold drinks. So, I just have to steer clear of those items. Dang it! No more Diet Coke or salsa! Aside from that, the WORST THING IS BEING BALD! I know it means the medication is working and it's just hair, but it's still hard to look at myself in the mirror and see such a weird looking head! My hair started falling out about a week ago. After about 3 days of it, I couldn't handle it anymore. It was annoying and demoralizing, so . . . . we shaved it! Chris took the clippers to it on the backporch (but only after I shaved his first!). The kids were quite interested at first. They really like the initial mohawk. Eventually, they wandered off and played. It was quite a shock see. And what a weird feeling! I have a collection of wigs now, some borrowed and some bought. I've only worn a wig twice. Itchy!!! Scarves are more comfortable and I wear them at home. But sometimes, I just go bald in the house. The kids haven't screamed in horror yet, so I guess they're ok with it. Sometimes it just gets too hot and itchy and I can't stand it anymore. I just have to remember not to rip off my wig while I'm driving. I'm sure if someone saw that it would cause more trouble than texting while driving :)
I still have lots of support from family and friends. The meals are rolling in every other day from our wonderful friends. My mom just left after 3 weeks of laundry and dishes and general caretaking of the Davis clan. My other mom and dad (Chris's parents) are here for a few days to fill in and get some cuddling of the grandkids done. My sister arrives Saturday for a week. I know we will have a good visit. We are playing it by ear after that.
Thanks to everyone for all of your support and concern. What a blessing you all are!
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